About Me

Hi there! My name is Sarah O’Dowda-Vriens and I am currently a 20 year old girl living in beautiful Wellington, New Zealand! I study at Victoria University of Wellington, majoring in TESOL and Japanese. I originally became vegan for the animals, but quickly learnt about all of the positive affects a vegan diet really has. I am now vegan for the animals, the earth, and for my own health.

I have PCOS (Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome) and I found out that a vegan diet is very beneficially for the illness; low in saturated fats and high in dietary fibre – so a pretty big bonus considering I was already vegan when I got my diagnosis!

I want to be able to provide people with all kinds of my tips to going vegan, and just showing how easy it really is! I hope with showcasing delicious food and sharing my recipes I will be able to help more people make the change into the plant powered life style.

I also have a heavy focus on environmental factors too, so this blog will definitely be including sustainability tips, like waste free and shopping ethically etc.. Veganism is a bit of an umbrella term to me, and so I want Saz’s Vegan Guide to also include things focused on environmental things too.

I do my main postings on instagram so check out @sazsveganguide there to see my posts, including lots of good foodie spots at cafes and restaurants. I will be including all my recipes here on my blog to any of the pics I post on instagram.

Do it for the animals, for you, for our environment, for sustainability x

Always happy to answer any questions or provide any information, don’t ever be shy! (Honestly, I can talk for hours, I will thoroughly enjoy any conversations..)

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