Why I’m Vegan…

I figured a vegan based page should have a post explaining why the blogger is vegan! Now, I would love to be able to tell you that I switched to a plant based diet and never turned back and I continued walking down the golden path of greatness… But, unfortunately that isn’t the case. I spent a lot of my life switching between a vegetarian, vegan, and omnivore diet.

I’m still frustrated at myself for consuming meat, egg, and dairy products for so long, and even going back to them after being vegan when I knew how important the diet is. The main reason why I didn’t last being vegan was simply for ease and convenience… But again, that’s total bullshit. Having a successful, delicious, and happy vegan diet is one of the most easiest things I’ve ever done. However, I grew up in a family of omnivores, and I lived with my partner and his family and found it hard to be a burden or request different dietary foods when I wasn’t able to afford (or even knew how) to feed myself. Another reason I went back to eating animal products was because I had little will power and I enjoyed the taste, and when everbody around me was eating animal products too, I let all these excuses justify what I was doing for my own selfishness. Learning to actually cook something other than instant noodles made me realise that I don’t need animal products to enjoy food, not at all. I mean, plant based foods are used to make animal products actually taste good. I now whole heartedly believe that nothing will ever be more delicious and satisyfing than a plant based diet when you learn the fundamentals of how to use spices and maybe how to turn on the oven..

As soon as I went independent and was able to move out and fend for myself (a very big adult I am now, thank you), the very first thing I did was totally switch back to being a 100% dedicated vegan; and I haven’t gone back. I not only feel great, but my conscience is on a whole other level lemme tell ya. I know there is no excuse for consuming the very products that I knew were so horrible, and also detrimental to both me and everything else, but I want my blog to be extremely authentic and maybe be able to help people that were in similar boats to me. If you aren’t committed now, or don’t have the means, or aren’t providing your own food and feel too bad to request that of the people providing you then that’s okay. What is important is that you currently have the right mind set and goals and you’re already taking the first step on the road to becoming vegan – being interested and researching! Take the plunge, and you’ll realise how easy and fulfilling it is.

It will be one of the best decisions you will make, I’m sure of it. It has opened up a whole entire new world for me. I have so much more love to provide the world, and I have become a much MUCH better cook since making the transition. You grow an appreciation for your food, and cooking and experimenting with recipes becomes a very fun hobby.

You will not regret becoming vegan, but will you regret not becoming vegan sooner?

I can get into every single detail as to why I’m vegan discussing all the types of animal farming and the detrimental effects. I actually started typing a very long post on the truths of the meat, dairy, and egg industries – however I have decided against the very long discussion of all the horrors and will be only making the key points. I encourage everybody to research on their own terms and own pace to discover all the details. The best way to remain vegan is figuring out your “why” and I suggest watching a few of these documentaries to start you on your educational journey:
Health related documentaries: What the Health, Forks Over Knives, Game Changers
Environemtal documentaries: Cowspiracy
Ethical documentaries: Earthlings, Dominion

The main reasons why I am vegan are very simple...
  1. FOR THE ANIMALS – No animal wants to die, no animal wants to provide for us, and no animal wants to deal with the short and miserable lives these industries give them. There is no humane way to kill an animal. They are living, breathing creatures who feel and love and deserve so so much more than what we do to them. You may think that the dairy and/or egg industry is okay, or that free farmed products are okay, but that is very far from the truth. They will always hurt the animals, and the animals will always be exploited. “There is no humane way to kill an animal that doesn’t want to be killed” – Unknown.
  2. FOR THE PLANET – At the rate we produce animal products, it is not sustainable. It has detrimental effects on our planet and as the population grows it will become impossible to meet the demands that humans have of animal products. The emissions from mass producing animals are destroying our planet. “Cowspiracy” is a great documentary to highlight the effects of what it is really doing to our planet. The food that is produced for livestock and the animals themselves are continuing to take over land everyday and is the leading cause for deforestation. Deforestation itself is also continuously making animals face extinction. Food grown to feed the animals that we eat could be used to feed the whole world and work towards solving world hunger. Land in third world countries is continually used to raise animals that are then sold and eaten in first world countries. It’s not just unsustainable, it’s morally wrong.
  3. FOR ME – A plant based diet has so many incredible benefits to our bodies. It is very easy and very obtainable to be your best, healthiest self on a plant based diet. I was diagnosed with Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome, and one of the things I found beneficial for the syndrome was a plant based diet which I was already doing! High in fibre, low in saturated fats, and plenty of veg. Also, red meat can cause a lot of health issues, including cancer, and heart failure. Providing your body with nourishing whole food and plants is incredibly beneficial. Everybody is different, and everybody requires different needs depending on their lifestyle, body, age, culture etc. A plant based diet can stretch and work for everybody, and it’s not as limiting as you might think! All you’re cutting out is animals, and their secretions. That’s it.

If you read to the bottom of this, then I want to say thank you, I appreciate you taking the time to read what I had to say and I still encourage you to check out the documentaries I mentioned before. If you’re still feeling unsure about anything (understandable, I was very brief!) please feel free to message me about any insights or questions you might have. I will answer everything and provide any information you want or is necessary.

I hope this blog can become very beneficial to help with anybodies transition, and I can’t wait to share delicious food and help grow a better tomorrow.

Thank you,

Sarah 🙂

Published by Sarah O’Dowda-Vriens

20 | Wellington, New Zealand | Bachelor of Arts | Vegan | 日本語 | English Language Teacher

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